During the coronavirus pandemic, many families of the Kaguma Education Centre (KEC) received much needed donations from the Crawforddyke Primary School, SW of Glasgow, Scotland.
The donations included food and necessities to help support struggling Ugandan families. Families that received donations were very appreciative of the generosity provided to them. We are thankful for the donations sent by the Crawforddyke Primary School; their selfless act certainly inspires many of us, especially during this challenging time.
Mirroring many other schools throughout the world, the Kaguma Education Centre has implemented remote learning throughout their community. With the school location on physical lock-down, it’s imperative to encourage students to continue their learning through the support of their families.
To continue supporting families during this challenging time, the Kaguma Education Centre raised $170 to help provide essential necessities to those in need. With children’s basic needs met through donations, students are able to focus on their lessons with sustaining nutrition.
NOTE: As of January 2022, over 325 students are back in their classrooms!